Internet Cafe is one of free website templates created team. This web template is optimized for 1280X1024 screen resolution. It is also XHTML & CSS valid.
This Internet Cafe Template goes with two packages ?with PSD source files and without them. PSD source files are available for free for the registered members of TemplateMonster.com. The basic package (without PSD source) is available for anyone without registration.
- Broadband Internet PCs with modern LCD Flat-screens, Printers, Scanners, Webcam
- CD-RW/DVD-burner, Multi-card-reader, USB-Connectors
- Laptop/Notebook stations with LAN and/or wireless access (10mbps speed)
- Rentable Laptop/Notebook cabins. (Daily rent, locked and secured overnight)
- Stabilized UPS with world-power outlets, 220V & 110V.
- Outdoor wireless connection available 24/7 (100m radius)
- Digital Photo Printer - connect your SD-card, SmartMedia, XD-picture Card, CompactFlash, MemoryStick or mobile phone and print the picture direct at our photo-lab-station (Printpix).
Of course you can also nload?your camers and burn CD...